Encompass Partnerships
Registered Name: Encompass Partnerships of The Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada
Business No: 767154883RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
By coaching, training & use of our partnership-facility we help individuals, agencies & churches take the gospel to the margins of society.

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Its not only in far-away countries where we need to act as missionaries.
Society in general, and unfortunately often us also as a Christian community, have frequently ignored the needs of the 'others' who are not like us. Those in our own cities who are new Canadians, are economically disadvantaged, or are exploited and forgotten might as well be like another people group in another country. Yet clearly no-one is ever to be left out of experiencing the love of God through Jesus. No one.
However if we are honest, most local believers & churches have limited capacity to reach to the margins of Canadian society.
Encompass Partnerships' reason for existence therfore is to collaborate with individuals, agencies and churches who have a commitment to go to the edges of society where the transforming presence, power and abundance through Jesus Christ isn’t yet clearly evident. We provide a relational & physical venue to facilitate the missionary impulse of the Church to express itself within our own city of Calgary (and in the future, to other cities).
Our mission is to be a mission agency/hub for Calgary, focusing on the least reached of the City
Our work is to think, dream and act as apostles/missionaries.
Our ethos is to leverage the power of partnerships.
Our facility (for partners who need one) is designed as a collaborative, shared venue.
Find our more about us at: www.encompasspartnerships.org