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Coronavirus in India


Business No: 897837829RR0001

Coronavirus in India

India is now in the throes of an apocalyptic surge in the number of covid 19 cases. Many are very sick and dying, oxygen is running out, hospital beds are unavailable, hospitals are over-crowded, front line workers are stressed and supplies are scarce. EHA has converted some of its 20 hospitals into covid centers and other hospitals are also caring for some patients with covid. EHA Canada is trying to help by supplying funds for the purchase of equipment such as beds, drugs, and by subsidizing costs for patient care. The migrant worker crisis of a year ago is another dread possibility. 

How your donation can help.

  • Purchasing hospital beds
  • Supplying oxygen and drugs
  • Providing equipment - ventilators
  • Providing PPE's, etc.
  • Subsidizing care for poor patients
  • Aid in prevention
  • Providing food for the indigent