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Mother's Day Campaign - No Mother Left Behind


Business No: 107294456RR0001

Mother's Day Campaign - No Mother Left Behind

This Mother's Day, make a donation in honour of your mother - or someone who has been like a mom to you - and help moms reconnect with their kids.

7 out of 10 criminalized women are mothers. While we know staying connected to moms is important for kids and moms alike, many women leaving the criminal justice system are unable to reconnect with their children because they do not have what is deemed to be an appropriate meeting place. And when they do meet, it’s in public places like fast food restaurants, which lacks privacy, does not foster a sense of safety or welcoming and creates a financial burden.

With your support, the E Fry Family Space will:

offer a welcoming, home-like space for women and children, making it easier for both kids and moms to reconnect. E Fry will support women to work with Child Welfare Services; to enhance parenting skills; create needed support systems; and provide aftercare support to families as children reintegrate into their mother’s care.

This Mother's Day, honour your mom - or someone who has been like a mom to you - by helping another woman be the mom she wants to be. Because second chances lead to generations of changed lives.