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$11,524.66raised of $20,000.00
Campaign Ended December 31, 2021
Anti-Asian and anti-Chinese racism has afflicted us for centuries. Generations of Chinese have struggled against it with limited success. The recent rise of anti-Chinese racism during COVID-19 has highlighted the urgency to seriously address this issue.
We have been doing that for the past two years, thanks to the support of many.
We combat racism and systemic barriers to equity, diversity and inclusion through
Our goal is to raise $100,000, so that we can continue our research, training and education work, to catalyze systemic changes for a fairer Canada.
Our efforts have already borne fruit. Our research on Chinese under-representation in leadership is having an impact across Canada. Our calls on leaders to act against anti-Asian racism have contributed to policy changes at all levels of government. Our anti-racism seminars have provided people with much-needed information.
We are committed to continuing this fight. Help us to do that. We rely on your donations to be able to continue this work.
With your help, we can create a more equitable society for ourselves and our children.
Thank you for caring.
Our ancestors first came to this land in 1788, before millions of Europeans
Many came in the 1850s, before Confederation
We built the railroad that helped unite and save Confederation, while losing thousands of lives
Many relied on our Indigenous brothers and sisters to survive
We fought for Canada before Canada recognized us as citizens, while losing more lives
We were this nation's builders
Yet our heads were taxed, we were excluded, and we were forgotten
We were resilient, and we survived
We are now workers, soldiers, scientists, business leaders and philanthropists
Yet we are still not fully accepted
We were the Yellow Peril
Now the Perpetual Foreigner
We have been the "model minority," weaponized against other groups - when convenient
Blamed and scapegoated - when convenient
Attacked, assaulted, yelled at, spat on and vilified - when convenient, such as during the pandemic
We have been silent for over two centuries
We can be silent no more
It's time we are seen and heard
Time to claim our full place in this country
Time to raise our voice for equity, diversity and inclusion
And demand our dignity and everyone’s full participation
So please support us
To be your voice
Telling our own stories and write our own history
Join us in breaking biases, stereotypes and glass ceilings
And paving new possibilities
For a better version of Canada
Where we are no longer bound by stereotypes
Our children are not treated with prejudices
And everyone can dream to be a CEO or a prime minister
So make a donation today
For a better tomorrow
Your contributions matter
All efforts make a difference
Together, We Shape Our Future
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