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Dyslexia Canada

Registered Name: Dyslexia Canada

Business No: 775679095RR0001

Dyslexia Canada

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Dyslexia Canada is committed to ensuring that every child in Canada with dyslexia gets a fair and equitable education.

We provide a national voice and forum to advocate for all Canadian children with dyslexia.  By partnering with professional organizations, experts and advocates, nationally and provincially, Dyslexia Canada strives to drive systemic change by engaging and educating the public, providing support and resources to the dyslexic community at large, and championing the establishment of legislation specific to recognizing and remediating dyslexia.

The education system in Canada must recognize and educate the 2 - 4 children in the classroom with the invisible reading barrier called dyslexia. These children are the crisis in the classroom today and the face of adult illiteracy tomorrow. They need our help.

Children with dyslexia can learn to read if they are identified early and are provided with a structured, evidence-based approach to reading. Far too many children with dyslexia are not receiving the help they need and deserve and we at Dyslexia Canada, intend to change that.

What people are saying

I have met a few people who ask, ‘what is dyslexia?’ like they don’t even know about it. I struggle with reading and spelling certain words, but I feel like dyslexia helps me in the sense that I’m a really good creative writer. I know if I don’t try, I won’t get it.

Eva, age 11

supporter wall

  • Marilyn D donated!

    Keep up the good work!

  • Barbara O donated $100.00!

    Thank you so much for advocating for education equity, our kids deserve to be t...

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Toronto, ON, M5C 2B8

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