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Emergency Health Kit - Treats 40 People


Business No: 135275857RR0001

Emergency Health Kit - Treats 40 People

Healthcare systems crumble just as quickly as buildings when a natural disaster strikes or bombs start to fall. Left without medical care just when they need it most are children with broken bones, families with wounds that need attention, communities that are hurt and suffering. These emergency health kits are the answer. One kit carries enough medical supplies to treat 10,000 people for three months. Designed to provide the best patient care with limited medical staff, the kits are filled with basic supplies like oral and topical medicines, bandages and essential surgical tools. Widely used by MSF in places like the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Darfur, these kits have provided emergency health care to thousands of people in remote areas without access to hospitals or clinics. Give this gift to help our medical teams respond quickly to save lives.

The descriptions above are of real items that Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) uses in its field projects. When you purchase an item, you are making a donation for its value that supports MSF's medical humanitarian aid work around the world. Your contribution will be used where the need is greatest.