Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières Canada (MSF)
Business No: 135275857RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Medical aid where it is needed most. Independent. Neutral. Impartial.
"Donations to MSF are undesignated and support our General Emergency Fund"
Our Mission
MSF goes where others don’t. MSF is a neutral and impartial organization that offers medical assistance regardless of race, religion, creed, or political association.
About Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières Canada (MSF)
MSF is the world’s leading independent humanitarian medical relief organization, providing crucial medical care to people affected by war, civil strife, epidemics, natural disasters and social marginalization. MSF strives to respond rapidly and effectively to public health emergencies with complete independence from political, economic or religious powers.
We tailor the care we provide to the diverse realities we work in — from the evolution of different epidemic outbreaks to the risks of conflict zones or the challenges of providing vital medical care to displaced people wherever they are around the world, even while they are on the move.
In 1999, MSF was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for its pioneering humanitarian work: rapid interventions, calling public attention to humanitarian catastrophes, respecting fellow humans’ dignity and acting as a source of hope for peace and reconciliation.