Business No: 867069957RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
A feral cat rescue serving central Vancouver Island, TNR program, low cost spays and neuters, kitten adoptions, barn cat program and more.

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Our Mission
Our mission is to provide a trap neuter and return (TNR) program for feral and stray cats in the Cowichan Valley on Vancouver Island, BC; to whenever possible remove feral kittens from the wild and socialize them and adopt them out as pets; to attempt to assure all feral colonies under our management have an adequate and reliable food source, to educate the public regarding the causes of and solutions to feral cat problems in the community; and to provide as funds permit low cost spays and neuters for those living below the poverty line, all of which will reduce the number of cats living in the wild and improve the quality of life for those which remain there.
We also provide foster care for cats belonging to women who are going into the transition house, since research indicates that many abuse victims will not leave their pets to the mercy of the abuser and so put themselves at risk by staying to protect their pets.
We are a dedicated group of volunteers operating a successful trap, neuter and return program for feral and stray cats since 1999. We rely entirely on private donations to fund our program, which spays and neuters almost 500 cats each year, and socializes and adopts out well over 100 kittens in the same period. We are now raising funds to create an on going low cost spay program for pet cats belonging to people living on public assistance in order to further reduce the number of unwanted kittens born in our community. Further information about our program can be found on our website at and on our Facebook page.
supporter wall
Paul W donated $100.00!
Thanks for combining compassion with smarts via your TNR program!
Dawn F donated $325.00!
In honour of Dawn Fedorchuk’s retirement from her Colleagues in Special Chemistr...
Karin B donated $50.00!
Thank you for the great work you do.
Audrey W donated $100.00!
Thanks for caring about all the kitties! ❤️ Your heard work is appreciated!
Kimberly T donated $250.00!
This is to pay for the vet bill for Fennell Mhairi knows about it
Sandra L donated $25.00!
Thank you for helping the kitties of Cowichan.