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Project Somos

Registered Name: Compassion Fruit Society

Business No: 863326468RR0001

Project Somos supports Mayan children by providing nutritious food, academic and literacy support, and access to counselling.

Project Somos

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Project Somos Village is an eco-sustainable educational community for at-risk children. The Village has a learning campus, playground, and organic farm within the small Kaqchikel community of Chivarabal in the Central Highlands of Guatemala.

We work with at-risk, impoverished children and their families to escape the vicious cycle of poverty through quality education and skill-building.

Since 2011, Project Somos has been on the ground developing a strong relationship with the local Guatemalan community.

Guatemala has the lowest literacy rate in all of Latin America. (Source: UNESCO) Latin America suffered the longest school shutdowns during the pandemic. On average, children received only seven hours of formal education each week during 2022.

The pandemic seems to have unraveled the decades of progress made, setting the situation back to what it used to be like in the 1960s. The current situation has become direr than ever.

Through our eco-sustainable education community and innovative programs, we provide a safe learning environment for at-risk children to lift their families out of poverty. 

We provide four preschool classes for children aged 3-5. Each class has a maximum of fifteen children and is taught by a professionally trained Early Childhood Educator.

Children come to the Project after attending public primary school.  They receive a hot, nutritious lunch when they arrive. Following their meal, they have time to play; they then gather with their teacher to focus on literacy, numeracy, and homework. Computer, English, and chess classes are also offered. A healthy snack is provided before they leave at 4 pm.

Studies have shown that children immersed in a caring environment, without fear of violence, have a better chance to learn. A hungry child cannot learn. We know that we are accomplishing our mission when we hear so many stories of children developing a love of reading, starting to eat more varied and healthy food, teaching their younger siblings what they have learned at the Project, etc.

Project Somos offers quality education and healthy food to the Somos children. Somos educates mothers in nutrition, parenting, and hygiene and offers opportunities to learn new skills and self-confidence to help them support their children to have a healthy and happy childhood.

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  • DEREK E donated $500.00!


  • Jennifer S donated $100.00!

    What a great cause!

  • Fern L donated $50.00!

    Love to you and all them kids and teachers

  • DEREK E donated $500.00!

    Hope this is not too late for the matching donation.

  • Josefina J donated $500.00!

    Your humanitarian work is inspiring.

  • Heidi & Rod D donated!

    Merry Christmas! Love Rod & Heidi

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