541 Eatery & Exchange
Business No: 836878942RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
We are an eatery; offering fresh, homemade meals and baked goods in the heart of Hamilton. We are committed to providing food that is affordable, nutritious and family-friendly.
We are a place of exchange; where ideas are shared and where people can engage with one another. We will use our space and the proceeds from food sales to facilitate educational community initiatives such as a homework club, a youth employment program and other skills training opportunities.
The data noted under the ‘Our Impact - Supporting Information’ represents the overall financial and employee data for Compass Point Bible Church which includes 541 Eatery & Exchange. For financial information specific to 541 Eatery & Exchange only please contact Barb England at bengland@compasspointbc.com