541 Eatery & Exchange
Business No: 836878942RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Our Purpose (Mission)
All Together at the Table: A Welcoming Space for Connection, Community, and Good Food
What We Do
541 Eatery and Exchange is a pay-it-forward cafe working to help our neighbours overcome the impacts of isolation, poverty, and injustice by cultivating a community of mutuality in our neighbourhood. Inspired by our Christian values, we are dedicated to welcoming all our neighbours inclusive of their circumstances, identity, and status.
Our Core Values
- Hospitality (Extending Welcome): We welcome individuals to sit at the table as they are. We cooperate and collaborate with community partners, encouraging and working with them to use the space generously.
- Community (Sharing Life at the Table): We nurture, celebrate, and care for the physical, spiritual, and relational experiences of our guests.
- Belonging (Knowing Your Name): We value and take interest in our guests as unique individuals with meaningful stories. We want to know the _names of our guests and to encourage each person as desired in their personal hopes and challenges.
- Advocacy (Speaking Out With and For Each Other): We support our team and our neighbours in their efforts to bring greater joy, hope, and justice to our world.
The data noted under the ‘Our Impact - Supporting Information’ represents the overall financial and employee data for Compass Point Bible Church which includes 541 Eatery & Exchange. For financial information specific to 541 Eatery & Exchange only please contact Barb England at bengland@compasspointbc.com