This campaign has expired. Learn more and donate directly to this charity.
$11,752.45raised of $30,000.00
Campaign Ended September 26, 2023
WHEN: Sunday September 24 - Registration 11am | Walk begins at 12 noon
WHERE: Memorial Park, Bracebridge
People of all genders and all ages are encouraged to walk a mile to show you stand in solidarity with women, girls, and Two Spirit, trans, gender diverse and queer people who are at highest risk of experiencing gender-based violence.
Wear something RED this year along with your favourite/funkiest pair of shoes. We are not handing out high heels this year.
Sign up a team or walk as an individual. Feel free to join the YWCA Muskoka Team! We'd love to walk alongside you!
We need volunteers! If you're interested in volunteering for Walk a Mile in Their Shoes please fill out this form.
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