Business No: 136680865RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Your donation empowers seniors and adults with physical challenges to live independently in their home. Thanks for caring.
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Our Mission
Providing services that support independence and promote peace of mind for seniors, their families and for adults with physical challenges who live in the City and County of Peterborough.
Community Care Peterborough is a vibrant and vital agency that has deep roots in the community. The agency is managed by a board of directors, staffed by a small number of employees and supported by nearly 1,000 volunteers throughout Peterborough County and City.
Services and programs offered include: Transportation, Meals on Wheels, Home Help and Maintenance, Friendly Visiting, Drop-In and Outreach, Information and Referral, Diner's Clubs, Personal Distress Alarms, Telephone Reassurance Checks, Loan Cupboards and Medical Equipment Registry, Wellness and Health Clinics, Caremobile (accessible transportation)
supporter wall
Trevor H donated $323.33!
Thank you for your work!
Claire N donated!
Ian C donated $200.00!
Appreciate all the hard work and effort to bring fitness and wellness into our h...
Bea M donated $400.00!
Thank you for being there for the many who are struggling over the last few year...
Bev I donated $400.00!
Thank you for all the great work you do!
Pauline D donated $100.00!
Love the exercise classes. Keep up the good work!