About Campaign

Please join us for the annual Hike Bike & Bark for Hospice, services are out of Ed's House Northumberland Hospice Care Centre 1301 Ontario St Cobourg, Ontario K9A 0N3. Hospice services are offered at no cost to the residents of Northumberland County. And I know that one day I will have need of these services. And chances are that one day so will you.

I have been a Hospice volunteer for about 15 years and loved every minute of it. It is rewarding as well as an absolute privilege to share a person's life and to help them have a good death.

I am dedicated to this cause. Please donate as generously as you can. Every dollar will be well used.



Donated By

Ricarda Renner

Sep 27, 2022 8:46 AM


Donated By

Diane Taylor

Sep 16, 2022 2:50 PM


Donated By

Patricia Petrucka

Sep 15, 2022 6:26 PM

“Your Awesome - way to go ---”


Donated By

Bill & Sharon Gerber

Sep 13, 2022 8:37 PM

“Another year of your dedication and determination Selena. Way to go!”