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Indonesia Earthquake and Tsunami - INACTIVE

Registered Name: CARE CANADA

Business No: 118838333RR0001

Indonesia Earthquake and Tsunami - INACTIVE
The year 2018 saw Indonesia experience a series of natural disasters, which affected thousands of people.

July – August: A series of severe earthquakes struck Lombok, measuring as high as 7.0 magnitude. More than 500 people were killed, thousands injured and over 431,000 displaced.

September 28: An earthquake and tsunami hit the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. More than 2,000 were killed and over 200,000 people displaced. A further 68,000 homes were damaged or destroyed around the populous city of Palu and Donggala district.

December 22: A tsunami hit the shores of Sunda Strait islands late in the evening, killing more than 400 people and injuring 14,000 more.

A year later, thousands of women and girls face challenges in accessing safe shelter, water and sanitation facilities, as well as uncertainty about their future. Donate now to help people who have lost everything.


Together with local partners, CARE responded to all three disasters with vital emergency assistance. Our focus is on women and girls who are often disproportionately affected in natural disasters of this type and are at increased risk of many types of sexual and gender-based violence.

Since the emergency hit, CARE has reached nearly 60,500 people through hygiene kits distribution and promotion, clean water rehabilitation and distribution, shelter repair materials and training, latrine rehabilitation and construction, and cash grants. To maximize the impacts of program implementation, CARE is working with local partners like PKPU, Dompet Dhuafa, Bina Swadaya, Solidaritas Perempuan, and IBU Foundation.

Together over the last year, CARE and partners are working to implement more programs aimed at strengthening family enterprise and business through the provision of inputs, small grants and vocational training packages.