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CAPRE - Community Association of People for REAL Enterprise

Registered Name: CAPRE - Community Association of People for REAL Enterprise

Business No: 889878922RR0001

CAPRE - Community Association of People for REAL Enterprise

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Our Mission

To support the realization of personal potential of individuals disabilities through person-centered planning, innovation, partnerships, and community engagement.

About CAPRE - Community Association of People for REAL Enterprise

The goal of providing support to those labeled as having a disability in operating small social enterprises is now being realized. We operate a laundry service, confidential shredding service and a recycling program. We also operate the CAPRE Online Auction Group on Facebook which recycles items donated by the Community to generate revenue for the services that we offer. Aside from our social enterprise businesses, we also offer opportunities for social, recreational and leisure activities and life skills programs. CAPRE continues to provide support to entrepreneurs operating their own small business. CAPRE has been instrumental in helping to develop the necessary circles of support intended to promote self-sufficiency and community inclusion.

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  • Matthias S donated $200.00!

    Thank you for the amazing work you do! I was very moved to read the story Mr. B’...

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Commercial Street

New Minas, NS, B4N 3G1

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