LCP open mic: Black History Month
by League of Canadian PoetsThursday, 8 February 2024 at 8:00 PM (EST)Ticket Information
Ticket sales for this event are now closed.
Join the League of Canadian poets in celebrating Black History Month with a poetry open mic!
Open mic signup will take place at the start of the event. While we encourage all poetry fans to attend this event, the open mic reader spots are reserved for Black poets. Approximately 10 reader spots will be available, and poets are invited to read 2-3 poems, approximately 3-5 minutes total.
This event is open to members and non-members of the League, including open mic reader spots.
This is a free event. We invite you to include a donation at the time of registration if you feel so compelled - your generosity allows us to continue to offer free programming in support of poets and poetry in Canada.