Registered Name: CEPAL - Canadian-Palestinian Educational Exchange
Business No: 862761418RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Our Mission
CEPAL works to assist Palestinian refugees in the pursuit of their basic human rights
by increasing their access to education and by raising public awareness in Canada about their struggle.
Founded in 1996, CEPAL is a Canadian based volunteer-run charity that works to increase the access of education and raise awareness about the quality of life, and the obstacles Palestinian refugees in Lebanon face on a daily basis.
CEPAL’s Summer Program involves sending volunteers to work and live in the Palestinian refugee camps of Lebanon. CEPAL works in partnership with local Palestinian NGOs in the camps, and volunteers coordinate their summer school programs to teach English language skills to students through computer training and creative arts, photography and writing workshops.
The majority of your contributions go toward funding our programs. CEPAL does not employ paid staff, and incurs only minimal overhead costs.