Canadian Association of Medical Teams Abroad (CAMTA)
Business No: 875843518RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
The Canadian Association of Medical Teams Abroad (CAMTA) provides orthopedic surgery to adult and pediatric patients in Quito, Ecuador. Since 2001, CAMTA has sent growing numbers of healthcare practitioners and lay people to Ecuador where there is a high incidence of untreated club feet, hip dysplasia and congenital deformities. The volunteer teams include pediatric and adult orthopedic surgeons, anesthetists, anesthetic technicians, family medicine doctors, physiotherapists, operating room, recovery room and ward nurses, residents, nursing and medical students, lay people, general students and translators who work with local hospital staff in the host country. CAMTA conducts a medical mission each year and performs as many as 80 surgeries in a two week period. CAMTA also provides continuing education on detection and treatment practices for medical personnel in Ecuador. In the future, CAMTA hopes to visit Ecuador more than once a year, and to someday expand to support needy communities in other locations around the world.