Food Banks BC
Business No: 861331130RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Food Banks BC is the provincial association of food banks. Membership comprises of over 100 hunger relief agencies throughout BC.
Food Banks BC is the provincial association of food banks. Our membership comprises of over 100 hunger relief agencies throughout British Columbia.
We support our members and other agencies through the provision of resources that assist their efforts to tackle hunger in communities they represent. This is achieved through the distribution of food and financial donations, providing access to training and capacity building programs, networking opportunities, and as a representative voice to speak to the needs of food banks as well as the hundreds of thousands of British Columbians who face ongoing food insecurity.
The work of hunger relief is critical and it’s the immediate priority we all share.
Our vision is a hunger-free British Columbia.
Our mission to relieve hunger today and prevent hunger tomorrow for all British Columbians.