2021 World Suicide Prevention Day
by Canadian Association for Suicide PreventionFriday, 10 September 2021 from 2:00 PM (ADT) to 3:30 PM (ADT)Ticket Information
Ticket sales for this event are now closed.
Each year on September 10th, people in over 50 countries around the world connect by officially recognizing World Suicide Prevention Day as they help promote a greater understanding of suicide.
This year's theme: "Creating Hope Through Action", aims to empower people with the confidence to engage with this complex subject. In this spirit, CASP has invited three panelists to present their unique stories of hope and resilience in the face of suicidal thoughts and behaviours.
After presenting pre-recorded videos from Ryan Luyk, Asante Haughton and Aly Raposo, Yvonne Bergmans will facilitate a live Q & A.
At the end of the session, participants will be encouraged to take part in a Candle Vigil later that evening, by placing a lit candle in their window to “Light a Flame of Hope” at 8:00 pm in their respective time zones.
The event will take place in English with French subtitles. French questions from participants will be subtitled in English.
Registered participants will be sent a Zoom link on the 9th of September. Please note: this will be a live event and a recording will not be available to participants.