Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness (CAEH)
Registered Name: Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness / L'alliance canadienne pour mettre fin a l'itinerance
Business No: 803254804RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
We lead a national movement of individuals, organizations and communities working together to end homelessness in Canada.
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The Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness leads a national movement of individuals, organizations and communities working together to end homelessness in Canada.
Our Vision
All Canadians have a safe, decent and affordable home with the support necessary to sustain it.
Our Mission
To prevent and end homelessness in Canada.
Our Values
We believe ending homelessness is possible and that homelessness in Canada will become rare, brief and non-recurring.
We believe in the Right to Housing – All Canadians have the Right to a safe, decent, permanent and affordable home with the support necessary to sustain it.
We are resolutely and solely focused on our mission to end homelessness – we exist to achieve our mission and will do whatever it takes. We’ll use data and evidence to make decisions and we’re willing to innovate, disrupt, and change in order to achieve our mission.
We act in service to all Canadians at risk of or experiencing homelessness – We work with a diverse network of allies who each play essential role in our mission. Our relationships with all other stakeholders, and all our work, is in service to our mission and Canadians experiencing or at risk of homelessness. We serve with humility and without judgement.
We have a bias for action – We favour action over perfection. We will focus on what we can do and what we will do, and we won’t let barriers get in our way. We’re committed to continuous improvement and we’ll innovate and test ideas quickly, focussing on executing, learning and improving.
We will fail forward – Ending homelessness requires us to take risks and try new things. We’ll move forward despite the possibility of failure. If we suffer failure or setbacks, we use them as points of learning and use that learning as stepping stones towards success.
We believe that there is hope and opportunity in every situation and gifts and potential in every person. We believe in doing what we can with what we have, and we’ll fight for the rest.
We will act with integrity – Our conduct will meet the highest possible ethical standards. We will work with integrity, protect Human Rights, ensure transparency, protect confidentiality and act with a high standard of accountability including avoiding real or perceived conflicts of interest.
We are committed to equity, diversity and inclusion – We will model and promote equity, diversity and inclusion in our organization and our work. We seek to take a leadership role in opening doors to greater equity, success and opportunity for marginalized Canadians struggling in homelessness and housing instability. We are vocal advocates for the voice of lived experience and the empowerment of people experiencing homelessness.
We seek to be leaders in Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples – We are guided in our work by the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the principles of empowerment and self-determination. Indigenous Peoples are respected partners in the movement to end homelessness.
supporter wall
Victor V donated $800.00!
Thank you for your great work for our homeless. Merry Christmas
Alanna B donated $25.00!
Thanks for all that you do, I believe in your work!!