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Advent Giving

Registered Name: CAMP DOUGLAS

Business No: 118827096RR0001

Advent Giving

0 days to go

Camp Douglas is a summer camp located on the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia that is one of the specialized ministries of the New Westminster Presbyterian Church. With a focus on intentional, relational, play-based ministry, Camp Douglas seeks to open its doors to all young people, regardless of their financial circumstances.

As we head into the Advent season, we invite you to prayerfully consider supporting the Camp Douglas ministry with a financial gift. As we seek to open our doors to more and more young people, regardless of their financial circumstances, here are some tangible ways that your gifts can make a difference:

  • $20 pays for tuck and a t-shirt for a camper. We have felt God’s leading to stop charging parents for camp t-shirts or snacks for 2024. This will come at a cost of about $4000 to the camp. Help support us in this step of faith by covering the cost of these items for a camper
  • $450 sponsors a camper for a week. In 2023, we committed almost $14,000 to camperships. We want to increase that this year if we can!
  • $804 pays a cabin leader for a week. We believe that part of our ministry is to provide a positive, supportive workplace for young adults. Staffing is our largest cost annually. $6030 would pay for a cabin leader for a whole summer - could you and some friends work together to support the camp in this way?

This campaign has ended.

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