Cameroonian-Canadian Foundation / Fondation Camerounaise-Canadienne
Registered Name: Cameroonian-Canadian Foundation/Fondation Camerounaise-Canadienne
Business No: 830620084RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
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Our Vision
Our Vision is to be one of the successful charities in North America with focus on alleviating poverty and improving livelihoods in Canada and in Cameroon.
Our Mission
Our mission is to develop and implement charitable projects and programs to help people in need in both Canada and in Cameroon. We are also interested in extending our mission in other African’s countries and beyond.
Our Main Focus Areas:
Relieving poverty
Advancing education
Improving healthcare
Provision of clean water