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Calgary Neuropathy Association


Business No: 863673984RR0001

Neuropathy sufferers have very few resources. The CNA is working to fill that void & to help neuropathy sufferers with self-care education.

Calgary Neuropathy Association


Through awareness, education and support we help those with neuropathy by answering questions and helping them learn to self-manage their symptoms so they feel empowered and can take a more active part in living with and caring for their neuropathy. We believe with information and support everyone with neuropathy can live livelier, better lives.

With your support we lend an ear and support to people like:

- Joe: who is facing amputation of his foot

- Sylvie: who has neuropathy and a brain injury, making it very difficult for her to talk with family and friends

-  Holly: who is in her 80's and has tried all the pain meds with little relief;  and, who wanted to learn about CBD  & needed help booking an appointment

- Mark: who has been diagnosed with idiopathic neuropathy and wanted advise on managing his symptoms

- Gwen: who was hoping to find something similar to the CNA in her area in Southern Alberta

Our Core Values

Awareness: Every person needs to know about neuropathy and how they can help. We share the wisdom of self-management for Neuropathy through advocacy and promotion. We help others through education. We believe research is our future and researchers are our guide.

Optimism improves lives. Hope opens eyes. Positivity lifts spirits. Balance keeps us grounded. We adopt optimism as we balance reality and hope.

Trust means being impartial, respectful and a safe place. A Safe Place boosts well-being. Respect gives dignity. Impartiality instills confidence.

Compassion is empathy, caring and support; and is the foundation of our programs. Empathy in this context means: Neuropathy experiences are shared experiences.  We show care by giving close attention, sharing time, and understanding needs. Compassionate support speaks to the whole person.

Connection means everything.  We, at the CNA, connect and embrace our diverse community in supporting those impacted by peripheral neuropathy including those living with a chronic disease and/or chronic pain. Our robust connections shape a community that thrives on meaningful engagement and relationships.




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