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Support Kids Like Andrea!


Business No: 108091950RR0001

Support Kids Like Andrea!

With the holiday season upon us, many people are excited to spend time with family and friends. While this is a joyful time for many of us, others will struggle to get through the holidays. It doesn’t have to be like that.

We are here. 

Last year, almost 9,600 people had the courage to reach out to Calgary Counselling Centre for help. One of those clients was 8 year old Andrea* and her mom. Andrea came to Calgary Counselling Centre after the trauma of experiencing a violent crime in her neighbourhood.

Here is her story: 

“When I was 6 years old, one night walking home with my mom, a scary man tried to hurt us. It made me very scared to go outside when it was dark out and I started to have lots of nightmares and started getting in trouble at school.

“My parents told me that we needed to go meet Samantha who was a counsellor and that she would help me to not be so scared. I had fun. We played with puppets, I drew pictures for Samantha and we played with flash cards. I learned how to tell my parents and Samantha about how I was feeling using those cards and that the feeling of being just a bit scared and terrified are not the same thing.

“What I liked best about going to see Samantha was making a worry box. I put everything that scared me into the box and just forgot about it!

“I wasn’t as scared anymore. Samantha and my parents decided that I should go to a group program with other kids like me. (Responsible Choices for Children)

“I feel better and now I don’t have scary nightmares.”

Andrea’s parents noticed a huge difference in their daughter after attending counselling. They were grateful for the help they received so their little girl had less worries and fears.

Andrea is just one of the many children and youth that come to Calgary Counselling Centre each year. In 2017, 61% of our clients received subsidizes to help pay for their sessions. We need your support to be able to help kids like Andrea. With your donation today, we can continue to provide children, youth and families access to the services they need with no wait list and without financial barriers. Your gift will make a huge impact to families like Andrea’s.

 * Names have been changed to protect client privacy.

A Gift Of...

$25 – Helps a child to express their feelings with a new game or toy during play therapy

$50 – Provides a child or youth the opportunity to take part in a group program

$110 – Provides a counselling session for a child or youth or family who is brave enough to reach out for the first time

$250 – Supplies craft materials and snacks for a children’s program

Please support kids like Andrea today!