Canadian Artists Against Poverty
Registered Name: Canadian Artists Against Poverty
Business No: 838510824RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Our Vision: We strive to empower vulnerable and marginalized artists and low-income Calgarians towards social inclusion, self-sustainability and promote health equity through our art entrepreneurship programs and indoor organic farm. These initiatives enhance income and employability and increase creative skills so that participants can reach their full potential.
Our Mission: Our mission is to provide support and advocate for vulnerable or marginalized artists and low-income Calgarians so that they can help themselves become economically self-sustaining and improve their quality of life.
Our Purpose:
The advancement of education:
To advance education by providing vulnerable artists with:
- Workshops and mentorship programs
- Materials, working space and trainings.
The advancement of public benefit:
To advance the public's appreciation of arts by showcasing artwork produced by vulnerable artists, specially the homeless, low-income individuals, refugees, aboriginal people and persons with disabilities.