Brendon Gorrill Memorial Scholarship
Registered Name: Brendon Gorrill Memorial Scholarship
Business No: 701544496RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Keeping youth in organized sport for those who couldn't otherwise afford it. Help us help Calgarians reeling from the effects of poverty.
Brendon Gorrill loved the sport of hockey. His strengths other than the love of the game was his sportsmanship and that he gave 100% effort whether it was a practice or a game. When his team won he would credit his teammates with their outstanding play, and when they lost he would take the brunt of the blame. Every year his teammates were his best friends, often becoming friends for life. One thing that exemplifies his personality was the fact that every time he passed the opposing goalie, he would tap them on their pads with his stick as a sign of mutual respect. This scholarship honours players of similar personalities, highlighting good sportsmanship and hard work.
By donating to us, you are helping kids in Calgary begin their hockey journey, or assist families who find their financial situation may no longer be able to support the cost of fees, equipment, and travel. With your generosity, we hope to expand the amount of scholarships given to assist every child who needs an extra hand.