Registered Name: BREASTSTROKES
Business No: 886814201RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Our team consists of energetic, motivated, forward thinking women who have all experienced breast cancer first-hand. We paddle to support each other and to stay strong.
The BreastStrokes Dragon Boat Team formed in Guelph, Ontario, Canada in 1998. From early days using broomsticks to paddle in a (dry) church basement, the team now has our own dragon boat moored on local lakes. The BreastStrokes team works hard to promote awareness of health, life and laughter after breast cancer.
We celebrate life through the pursuit of fitness and wellness, mutual support, community philanthropy, and competition in Dragon Boat Festival races. We believe any person with breast cancer who wishes to dragon boat paddle should have that opportunity, because together, we are all winners! Our goal is to honour the memory of those who have died of breast cancer and spread a message of hope to all people living life after a breast cancer diagnosis.
BreastStrokes will proudly participate in the World Wide Aquathon, November 11, 2017. This is the first Canadian pool to become involved in this global event! Last year, over 9,000 people from 80 countries participated.
This is a fundraiser for the team, so we are looking for local businesses that want to donate prizes and have their name in lights! Get in touch if you want to be involved.