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BrainTrust Canada


Business No: 140202003RR0001

BrainTrust Canada is a registered, non-profit organization that provides brain injury prevention, education, and support.

BrainTrust Canada

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About Brain Injury

Approximately 1.5 million people in Canada are living with a brain injury.  The incidence of acquired brain injury outnumbers breast cancer, spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, and HIV/AIDS combined.  It has been called a 'silent epidemic'.  

Brain injury by the numbers:

- Every 3 minutes someone in Canada sustains a traumatic brain injury

- 1/2 people experiencing homelessness live with brain injury

- 60% more likely to develop depression

- 2.5x more likely to become incarcerated

- Up to 80% of women who faced domestic abuse experience brain injury symptoms

The numbers are growing, yet brain injury continues to be misunderstood, misdiagnosed, and often unrecognized. The cost to individuals, families, their communities, is staggering.

Our Mission

Our mission is to bring the issue of brain injury to the forefront, reduce preventable brain injuries and maximize the potential of those who have been affected by brain injury through programs and services. 

Everyone knows someone with a brain injury.

We can help.  You can too. 

What people are saying

I encourage my fellow caregivers to join a support group. Although my husband and I are the veterans of the group, we all continuously learn from each other by sharing our experiences. We certainly openly discuss gritty topics, but we also laugh a lot too. Who knew?

Lori Kline, Caregiver Support Program client


100-215 Lawrence Avenue

Kelowna, BC, V1Y 6L2

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