Bow Valley College
Business No: 878431683RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Our Mission
Where people live and work, Bow Valley College will contribute to the vitality of communities and the strengh of the economy through innovative adult education programs and services which equip people for successful living, lifelong learning, and work in a global, knowledge-based economy.
Learn a better living and Live a better life.
About Bow Valley College
Bow Valley College is a public, board-governed college operating as a comprehensive community institution under the Post-secondary Learning Act of Alberta.
Bow Valley College is committed to expanding access for adults of varied social, cultural, economic, geographic, and academic backgrounds. As an access college, we have a special focus on creating educational opportunities for immigrants, Aboriginal peoples, international learners, persons with disabilities, older workers, at-risk youth, and the unemployed and underemployed. Our curriculum and support services reflect the diversity of our learners. We emphasize small classes, high quality instruction, applied learning, focused work experience, and extensive learner support services.