Business No: 871101507RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
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Bonny Lea Farm is supported in part by the Bonny Lea Charitable Foundation, an independent fund supervised by a volunteer Board of Trustees designed to ensure Bonny Lea Farm’s ongoing growth and future development.
The Foundation is intended to be a stable and significant source of funds for Bonny Lea Farm, a resource in times of economic downturn, as well as, providing general and designated funds a place to grow until they are needed. Each gift to the Foundation increases the annual interest income which is available to support the mission of Bonny Lea Farm.
The Bonny Lea Charitable Foundation welcomes gifts of all sizes. Ways to support the Foundation include: Making a donation by cheque or credit card, making a donation online, transferring publicly-traded securities, a bequest in your will, or designating the Bonny Lea Charitable Foundation as a beneficiary in an insurance policy.
Leadership gifts may receive special recognition in accordance with the wishes of the donor. Named funds recognizing a donor or a donor’s loved ones represent a wonderful opportunity to pay tribute to family and friends.
For more information or to contact us to discuss your plans, please call Liz Finney, Fund Development Director, at 902-275-5622 ext 241.