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Bear With Us Centre for Bears - Rehabilitation, Education, Sanctuary

Registered Name: BEAR WITH US INC

Business No: 898978416RR0001

Bear With Us Centre for Bears - Caring for orphan bear cubs & injured bears and then returning them to their wild home. Education.

Bear With Us Centre for Bears - Rehabilitation, Education, Sanctuary

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Our Mission

Bear With Us Centre for Bears - Rehabilitation, Sanctuary, Education.

Bear With Us Mission: To promote the understanding and respect for the bear family, a species near the top of the evolutionary scale, a species in direct niche competition with the human race.

About Bear With Us Centre for Bears

Fulfilling the mission: The four primary areas of operation for Bear With Us are:

1-Black Bear Rehabilitation; orphaned bear cubs and injured bears cared for and returned to the wild in a high state of health.2-Education; (a) Off location slide/video presentations for groups at Provincial Parks, schools, cub and guides, other young people’s groups, nature clubs and more. (b) Bear With Us website, strong social media presence including a Facebook pages. (c) One on one phone conversations and email responses. (d) print material such as the brochure “Understanding the Black Bear” and information website Wise About Bears .3-Bear Sanctuary; A comfortable place to stay for permanent non-releasable bears such as ex-circus bears, zoo excess or illegal pet confiscations.4-Conflict Resolution; Assisting people and bears to coexist together. Refer to .

Understanding the Black Bear:

What people are saying

Best mission statement I've seen in a long time. I have complete respect for what you do. I've always loved bears and always will. Bless you, Mike.

C. Clail

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supporter wall

  • Susan W donated $100.00!

    To help the little cubbies and the future of the species. Thanks for your dedica...

  • Brenda C donated $200.00!

    Mike & Ella - thank you for helping the cubs to return to the wild.

  • Susan and John T donated $210.00!

    Thank you for continually being there for these beautiful souls.

  • Susan and John T donated $200.00!

    Thanks for everything you do

  • Michele C donated $2,000.00!

    For Giving Tuesday!

  • Susan T donated $200.00!

    Thank you for everything you do for these bears. You have dedicated your life t...

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