BC Sustainable Energy Association (BCSEA)
Registered Name: British Columbia Sustainable Energy Association
Business No: 864900501RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
The BC Sustainable Energy Association (BCSEA) is a volunteer-based, charity that supports the sustainable production, distribution, and consumption of energy in British Columbia and beyond. The association collaborates with governments, industry, universities and other institutions, other non-governmental organizations, and citizens to put in place the conditions needed to accelerate the province’s transition to a lower-carbon economy.
The BCSEA develops and undertakes educational programs, policy advocacy, public outreach and energy planning in the following areas:
Chapter Outreach
BCSEA’s four chapters, Victoria, Vancouver, Kamloops and Okanagan interact directly with their member constituencies, volunteers and members of the public. They host events, engage the public with community projects and extend BCSEA’s reach across BC. BCSEA’s chapters allow the association to enjoy the unique position of engaging and interacting with citizens across the province.
Advance Renewable Energy Generation
BCSEA strives to demonstrate that clean energy is a significant economic driver offering benefits to all British Columbians.
BCSEA endeavours to build and maintain citizen support for the clean energy industry and foster conditions under which government can take further action to support the sector.
Advance Energy Conservation and Efficiency
BCSEA creates and supports projects and initiatives that educate citizens about the benefits of conservation and efficiency.
Advance Low-Carbon Passenger Transportation
With transport contributing 39% of the province’s overall GHG emissions, BCSEA reinforces the policies and leadership that incentivize and accelerate zero-emission options.