Business No: 118801315RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
The BCWF is a provincial conservation organization whose aims are to protect, enhance and promote the wise use of the environment
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We are British Columbia’s leading conservation organization, made up of province-wide volunteers who aim to protect, enhance and promote the wise use of our environment on behalf of all British Columbians. We advocate for anglers, hunters and outdoor recreationalists. The BC Wildlife Federation strives to ensure the sound long-term management of BC’s fish, wildlife, and outdoor recreational resources in the best interest of present and future generations.
Working together for conservation
Our origins date back to the 1890s, when volunteer conservationists established fish and game protective associations that formed the basis of some of our current member clubs.
In those days, British Columbia’s fish and wildlife management fell under the jurisdiction of the Provincial Government’s Chief Game Warden, but conservation was very much a cooperative affair with the clubs. This tradition of collaboration continued throughout the decades, with Provincial agencies and volunteer conservationists working together for the benefit of the greater community. The BC Wildlife Federation incorporated under the BC Societies act in 1951, and became a registered charity in 1969. Today, the Federation is British Columbia’s leading conservation organization.
Our Vision
“Leading the conservation and wise use of British Columbia’s fish, wildlife and habitat.”
Our Mission
“To protect, enhance and promote the wise use of the environment for the benefit of present and future generations.”
- Ensure public access to recreational and outdoor activities, fish and wildlife resources and crown land
- Provide science/fact-based solutions for its members and other stakeholders in B.C.
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Barry E. L donated $200.00!
Excellent programs, ideas and advocacy. Really appreciate your hard work! Merry ...