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Aura Freedom International

Registered Name: Aura Freedom International

Business No: 803347731RR0001

Aura Freedom is a grassroots organization working to end gender-based violence and human trafficking in Canada and beyond.

Aura Freedom International

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Created in the name of gender equity, Aura Freedom is an intersectional, grassroots women’s organization that works to eradicate gender-based violence and human trafficking through advocacy and education. 

Through education, advocacy, research, training, and partnership-building, Aura Freedom has implemented sustainable projects addressing gender-based violence in both Canada and South Asia.

Our work has advanced gender equality, empowered marginalized women and given survivors anti-oppressive access to crucial services.

We are of the firm belief that when women and girls are educated and empowered, they become powerful catalysts for positive change whose success benefits everyone around them. 

Our awareness work highlights how gender inequality and other root causes perpetuate GBV and how equality can bring about positive change for everyone.

We have seen firsthand that simply educating women and girls on their human rights empowers them to resist long-standing societal norms of gender inequality and the resulting implications, and live a life of good health and inclusiveness. When we add education on the root-cases of gender-based violence, the impact of our work is further increased.

Addressing the root causes of gender-based violence and human trafficking is a fundamental part of Aura Freedom's work.

As an organization, we go deep.


Because if we do not address the root causes, then we will simply be doing damage control for the rest of our lives. When working to address and prevent gender-based violence, we must address gender inequality, systemic racism, colonialism, ableism, homo/transphobia, capitalism and more. 

Women and girls living at the intersections of gender, race, ability and socio-economic status experience the highest rates of violenceWhen addressing gender-based violence and advancing the feminist movement, Aura Freedom’s work recognizes and centers the most marginalized women including Indigenous women, racialized women, immigrant and refugee women, women living with disabilities, gender diverse people, the Girl Child and others.

We have to be in this for the ‘long haul’ and anyone doing this work knows that. There is no quick fix to gender-based violence, but we are ready for the challenge.

We believe inclusive and intersectional education that addresses the root causes of gender-based violence and human trafficking is the most effective form of prevention and we do our best to provide education that is barrier-free, trauma-informed and survivor-centred.

The result?

Women, girls and gender diverse people from all backgrounds who are able to exercise their rights and live healthy lives free from violence. 

What people are saying

I’m thankful to know the ways we can empower each other to end trafficking. Educating others is what’s important; it's something we really need to pass on to other generations, and it’s going to be the main tool in fighting the battle against sex trafficking.

Muriam, Student

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  • Shikhar B donated $75.00!

    Thank you for your work, may mahadev bless you

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P.O. BOX 61026


Toronto, ON, M6E 5B2

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