Cycling Canada
Business No: 130177116RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Cycling Canada is a National Sport Organization with one simple purpose: to inspire Canadians to cycle.
Cycling Canada is a National Sport Organization with one simple purpose: to inspire Canadians to cycle. No matter what gets you pedaling every day, we’re here to provide support and help you turn each ride into an inspiring moment. Whether you ride for pleasure, for sport, for transport or for health, cycling is a journey that unites us. Our mission is to dream big for our big country. Our promise is that cycling at any level will enrich your life.
Donations are essential to ensuring a bright future for our athletes, programs and cycling community nationwide. Your support is instrumental in removing the financial barriers faced by developing athletes and underfunded programs; putting kids on bikes through HopOn; and ensuring that Cycling Canada remains steadfast in its ability to meet the needs of our team and community.
As a Registered Canadian Amateur Athletic Association (RCAAA), Cycling Canada issues tax receipts to individuals, corporations and others who make charitable gifts to the organization. Cycling Canada complies with all Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) rules and guidelines concerning charitable gifts. This means donors, while being able to request where and how their generous donations are directed, do so knowing that Cycling Canada ultimately decides how donations are used and cannot make guarantees to donors. To find out more about our Donation Policy, click here.