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$120.00raised of $500.00
Campaign Ended June 1, 2022
Wish House started me on my journey into recovery. I was a hot mess when I arrived at Wish House. I learned how to live life on life's terms while staying clean and sober at Wish House. They gave me recovery tools that I still use today, as well as life skills that I never had before. I owe a big part of my successes today to Sandi and Christine at Wish House. I am almost 18 months clean and sober now and absolutely loving my new life in recovery. Arid recovery homes will forever hold a very special place in my heart. Thank you is not enough. I want to give back to those who so freely gave to me. This is why I am participating in the annual walkathon this year. Please help me in supporting other men and women in recovery so they can have a new lease on life too!
Belinda Morris
Donated By
May 28, 2022 11:48 PM
Donated By
May 5, 2022 7:41 PM
“So proud of you, babe!”
Donated By
May 5, 2022 7:32 PM
“You are beautiful Belinda,so happy for you”