Arcane Horizon Community
Registered Name: ARCANE HORIZON INC.
Business No: 896114162RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Arcane Horizon provides community living supports that focus on quality of life, respect and dignity for adults with intellectual disabilities.
Vision Statement:
Adults with intellectual disabilities are included, accepted and valued in our communities.
Our Philosophy:
Based on the spirit and intent of the Adults Living with an Intellectual Disability Act (ALIDA), which the founding family of Arcane Horizon advocated to government to create, Arcane Horizon aims to facilitate opportunities for adults with intellectual disabilities to be unconditionally included as unique equals in their communities, and recognized as capable of meaningful socio-economic contributions with both their skills and ideas when provided the necessary resources to achieve.