Anglican Synod of the Diocese of British Columbia
Business No: 118787142RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
A Diocese of the Anglican Church of Canada, we cover Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands.
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The Diocese of British Columbia is a regional expression of the Anglican Church of Canada, part of the worldwide Anglican Communion, and one part of the whole body of Christ. Established in 1892, the Diocese of British Columbia originally covered the entire Canadian province of British Columbia. Over time as the population of the province grew, new dioceses were formed. The Diocese of British Columbia is now one of five dioceses of the Ecclesiastical Province of BC & Yukon, and includes Vancouver Island, the Gulf Islands of the Salish Sea (Strait of Georgia), and Kingcome Inlet.
We are called to transform the world by executing justice for the orphan and the widow, loving the strangers and serving the poor. We meet regularly for prayer, Bible study and worship in order to be empowered for Christ's service.
Over 7000 members strong, The Anglican church on these islands and inlets is actively engaged in service to our communities in the areas of healthcare, food justice, affordable housing, seniors' support service, prison ministry, military chaplaincy, environmental stewardship and activism, LGBTQ2 services, childcare, art and music, education, refugee sponsorship and newcomer support, poverty reduction and reconciliation.
Your donation will support the work of 45 congregations as they strive to reach out to those in need.
supporter wall
Heather H donated $520.00!
Semere sponsorship
Carole C donated $500.00!
To help Rokshana's husband. Through Canadian Women 4 Women in |Afghanastan.
Karen C donated $100.00!
Thank you for bringing Rokshana's husband to Canada.
Ann P donated $200.00!
I am so pleased to discover that you are helping this woman from Afghanistan. T...
Joe S donated $121.00!
NASIRDIN V donated $2,500.00!
Thank You for this program and the work you do.