Amref Health Africa in Canada
Registered Name: Amref Health Africa in Canada
Business No: 119211282RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Improving the health of people in Africa by partnering with & empowering communities.

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Our Impact
Our results
9.6 million
Peopledirectly reached through our health-focused projects. 26% women and 49% children and youth.125,000+
Peoplereceived health-focused training through Amref Health Africa.159
Projectsmanaged by Amref Health Africa in sub-Saharan Africa.A snapshot of some of Amref Health Africa’s 2017 global accomplishments made possible by our supporters around the world.
Consultationsby medical specialists through our Specialist Outreach Programme in Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, and Uganda. This free service provides surgeons and other specialists to rural and underserved hospitals.868
Patients Evacuatedvia air/ground ambulance through our social enterprise, AMREF Flying Doctors. It provides medical evacuation insurance for a fee and we use the profits to fund our charity evacuations and our work.825,127
MilesFlown by AMREF Flying Doctors in providing air evacuations and other medical services.Our Programs (4)
supporting information*
Revenue and Expenses by Year ($)
Reporting Period End Date: 2023-12-31
full-time employees
part-time employees
total compensation for all employees
professional & consulting fees
*Based on the information Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) provides to CanadaHelps