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Amazon Rainforest Conservancy (ARC)

Registered Name: Amazon Rainforest Conservancy

Business No: 833497084RR0001

ARC protects threatened tropical rainforest habitats in the Peruvian Amazon for the benefit of future generations.

Amazon Rainforest Conservancy (ARC)


The Amazon Rainforest Conservancy (ARC) is a registered Canadian Charity. We protect threatened tropical rainforest habitats in the Peruvian Amazon to conserve and restore the biodiversity of species and ecosystems for the benefit of future generations.


Species are going extinct at an alarming rate. The long-term health of the planet is in question. In order to avoid mass extinctions and preserve ecosystems, we need to focus on areas of high biodiversity like the Amazon rainforest.

It’s more important than ever that we stand together to protect and defend what’s left of the Amazon Rainforest.

OUR PROJECTS - by having land conservation projects in separate ecosystems, we are able to protect a wide biodiversity of plants and animals – especially endangered species.

Protecting the Lowlands - Tambopata, Madre de Dios, Peru

Tambopata in Madre de Dios, Peru is world-renowned as a biodiversity hotspot. Incredibly, it supports nearly 60% of the world’s plant, bird, mammal, reptile and amphibian species. Sadly, the region is continually facing destruction from illegal gold mining, logging, and slash and burn agriculture. Simply put, its existence is constantly being threatened.  

In 2014, ARC acquired the title to a 616-hectare Brazil nut concession in Tambopata that is home to over 100 Brazil nut trees. These giant trees are important as they store large amounts of carbon. They also provide sustainable income for local communities through the annual Brazil nut harvest – a harvest which causes no harm to the forest.

In 2023, we expanded our Brazil nut concession by purchasing an additional 79 hectares. This acquisition was a strategic one for several reasons. For starters, it allows us to save thirty-three old-growth hardwood trees which were at high risk of being logged. This land is also home to an additional ten brazil nut trees, a mammal clay lick and an avian clay lick. All of which are important features for the health of rainforest species.

Our new land acquisition also includes a cleared area measuring two acres. And these two acres are next to the river and near a fresh water stream. These features make it an ideal spot to build our forest ranger/research station. Plans for this station are already underway.

Protecting the Cloud Forests - Tarapoto, San Martin, Peru

ARC is creating a wildlife corridor in the valley between the two mountain ranges of the Cordillera Escalera Regional Park. A main focus of this project is to protect the region’s jaguars which are under threat from habitat loss and conflicts with humans. 

This valley is home to approximately 170 families – the majority of which currently earn their living as cattle ranchers. Many of the cattle ranchers are older and their children are frequently more interested in working and living in town. This is an opportunity for us. It means more land is available for ARC to purchase. Currently, ARC has over 300 acres of this valley in our care. 

Our goal is to turn the entire valley – which covers 8,650 acres – into a conservation corridor. This would help unite the fragmented habitat of the native wildlife that call the valley home. Yes, it’s a big goal! But it all starts one acre at a time.


23 Sunset Drive

Orangeville, ON, L9W 2G8

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