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Air Cadet League of Canada - Ontario


Business No: 130387665RR0004

Supporting Canada's Air Cadets - A registered Charity dedicated to developing our youth to be good citizens

Air Cadet League of Canada - Ontario

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The Mission of the Air Cadet League of Canada, Ontario Provincial Committee is to provide community resources and funding for the Air Cadet Program, as delivered by the Department of National Defense (DND) in Ontario, for items not provided by the DND or the Government of Canada. We support and enable youth to meet the challenges of modern society, through a dynamic, community-based program that is accessible to all young citizens of Ontario. More than 8,000 youth participate in the Air Cadet program in 119 communities throughout Ontario.

Strategic support is provided in three ways:

Common Cadet Experience - Flying is a big part of the program available to all air cadets, but it is very costly. Every community and its financial support for the local Air Cadet Squadron is different. The Aviation Program provides power tow plane aircraft, and gliders that are funded centrally. These aircraft are used to provide air cadets throughout the province with flying opportunities. This costs Ontario approximately $100,000 per year.

No Cadet Left Behind – The Ontario Provincial Committee (OPC) prides itself in being part of a program that provides leadership and life skills to young people regardless of family economic means. Our pride is greatest when a child from limited means has the opportunity to fully participate in the program.

Personal circumstances of cadets are private matters into which squadron sponsoring committees (SSC) are reluctant to inquire. Even if it is possible to eliminate the need for family support in fundraising and make the baseline program otherwise without obligation for cadets, participation in optional activities will remain a financial challenge for many. Trips and activities often have co-pay and admission fees. Some simply do not participate because they lack the funds. Many SSC and Sponsors have arrangements that look after these matters and do it very well. If SSC and sponsors are unable to meet local needs, OPC will provide funding so that every cadet is able to fully participate. Funds are also provided to SSC which are struggling to raise funds locally to meet their obligations to the program.

Effective Program Support - The OPC exists for one purpose – to support the Air Cadet Program in Ontario. The Air Cadet League of Canada and the Ontario Provincial Committee and its Squadron Sponsoring Committees are first and foremost fund-raising organizations. The first agreements between ACL and DND solidified that role and it has been that way since 1941.

The operational and administrative side of the program, both at the SSC and ACL/OPC has become much more complicated than in the past. The regulatory framework within which Not for Profit (NFP) and charitable organizations operate is more complex than the average parent or other volunteer understands. Providing qualified financial and administrative support has three parts – hardware, software, and people. Investments in these three areas are being made to enhance the ability of the OPC to support and enable the success of our SSCs throughout Ontario.

Donations through Canada Helps further our strategic support initiatives and ultimately, improve the air cadet experience for more than 8,000 youth in 119 communities. 




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