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Adsum for Women & Children


Business No: 132257031RR0001

We provide shelter, housing and programs to women, children, youth and transgender persons who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

Adsum for Women & Children

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Our Mission

To lead change in housing through advocacy, supports and services to end homelessness.

Our Vision: Everyone has a Safe and Secure Home

About Adsum for Women & Children

Adsum for Women & Children dates back to 1983 when we opened an emergency shelter; Adsum House. Over the years, we have added multiple sites and a variety of housing supports for women, families, and gender diverse persons who are experiencing homelessness or insecure housing.

Adsum houses 92 people in one of our permanent and affordable locations across HRM, 365 days a year, including the 25 apartments in our newly opened Sunflower in Lakeside. We house and provide programs and services to hundreds more women and children in independent apartments and hotels through our Shelter Diversion and Housing Support teams, thanks to supporters like you. Adsum and Welcome Housing are now also, providing shelter rooms and support services to 185 people in The Bridge (formerly DoubleTree Hotel) in partnership with Dept. of Community Services and Dept. of Health.

For more information on all our work at Adsum for Women & Children please read our Annual Report at this link Adsum Annual Report.

What people are saying

I was suicidal and dealing with mental health issues. Adsum and the other services they connected me with got me to a place where I could be independent again. I got my family back and I am closer now to being the person I used to be. People don’t look at me as a failure anymore.

Adsum House Client

supporter wall

  • Diane E. G donated $100.00!

    Thank you for all the support you give to Women and children, it’s life changing...

  • Shawna S donated $50.00!

    Thank you for all that you give. You are saving lives, building resiliency and c...

  • Meredith T donated $50.00!

    Blessings for all you do.

  • Baleigh M donated $100.00!

    Thank you for being there.

Showing 1 to 4 of 4 results




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