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Among Friends (LGBTQ+ Newcomers) Urgent help needed!


Business No: 123636664RR0001

Among Friends (LGBTQ+ Newcomers) Urgent help needed!
Our Among Friends program, in operation since 2007, has been dedicated to serving asylum seekers who face persecution in their countries of origin due to their sexual orientation.
Sadly, in recent years, state-sanctioned homophobia has escalated in some African nations to the point of imposing the death penalty on individuals identifying as 2SLGBTQ+. This has led to a surge of refugees fleeing these countries. Many of them have come to Canada, a country that champions diversity and inclusion. Over the past two months, as the City of Toronto's shelters reached their capacity and began turning away these refugee claimants, our Among Friends program has consistently received more than 150 - and at times, even over 200- participants every week.
The sudden surge in demand for our services has placed immense pressure on our programs and services, which have historically struggled with insufficient funding and resources. The organization's decision not to turn away anyone in need is commendable; however, it has the potential to lead to staff burnout and resource depletion, and it is not sustainable without additional help. 
We are reaching out to you with an urgent plea for support, be it a large or small contribution, to help us keep our doors open for the city's most marginalized population:
- A contribution of $6 can provide a nutritious hot meal.
- A donation of $7 can cover the round-trip transit fare for an individual to attend an in-person workshop.
- A generous gift of $250 can help offset one client's medical expenses for exams and medication.
Please consider making a donation today. Your generosity saves lives.