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Schlegel Villages Charitable Foundation

Registered Name: Schlegel Villages Charitable Foundation

Business No: 878679729RR0001

Schlegel Villages Charitable Foundation


Whether it’s through everyday care and support offered to our residents and older adults in the wider community or through world-leading research into healthy aging, our Villages, the Schlegel-UW Research Institute for Aging (RIA) and Camp Schlegel at Shady Pines all have a significant impact in our society.

Our gratitude can’t be overstated when people choose to support our Villages, Camp Schlegel or the RIA through a charitable donation, and we’ve now made it easier to ensure gifts align with the deepest wishes of donors. Some choose to honour the legacy of a loved one who called a specific Village “home” while others simply want to recognize a Village they love at special times of the year, offering a contribution that will help enhance the lives of residents. Some look to the future, choosing to support the efforts of researchers who tackle the great challenges facing an aging society, while others may choose to support Camp Schlegel and its mission to help all people, no matter their age, enjoy the beauty of outdoor living.

It’s a special feeling to know your donation helps shape the well-being of future seniors through the RIA or is touching the lives of the Residents and Team Members at the Village you’ve grown to love. The Schlegel Villages Charitable Foundation, now allows you to direct your support in the way that’s most meaningful for you.

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