Urgent Needs: COVID-19
Business No: 119095065RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Our Foundation has been overwhelmed by the number of community members and businesses reaching out and offering to help our hospital and our healthcare workers during this time of crisis.
We don't yet know what our needs will be - but we can be prepared to meet them.
Our Foundation budgets $100,000 each year for "emergency" capital needs. These are often pieces of equipment that unexpectedly or urgently need to be replaced. This year, those needs may be much greater - and could look very different.
Comfort for Patients
For the safety of everyone at our hospital, there are now strict visitor restrictions in place to protect the patients who are admitted in our hospital. Our Foundation is hoping to keep these patients connected to the ones they love through the in-room entertainment consoles - providing them TV, internet and phone access during their stay at no cost.
Caring for Healthcare Workers
We've had requests from people wanting to drop off food and coffee to our front line workers to say thanks - and while the gesture is appreciated, we'd encourage you to make a donation instead. No one should be coming into our hospital unless they absolutely need to - we don't want to put anyone at risk. By trusting us to extend this support on your behalf, we can ensure it's done in a way that honours your intention but keeps you (and our workers) safe.
Supplies and Equipment
Our needs are changing day-by-day, and we don't know if and how we will need to scale our services. Our goal is to respond quickly to help our hospital with their urgent equipment needs.
Any help you give today will be used for urgent needs, as they arise.
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