Food Security for Hamilton

Registered Name: Hamilton Sustainable Victory Gardens Inc.

Business No: 826945883RR0001

This charity is currently not accepting donations through CanadaHelps.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us 

Food Security for Hamilton

At Hamilton Victory Gardens, we are deeply passionate about decreasing food insecurity and increasing access to fresh, healthy produce.

COVID-19 has created extraordinary challenges for the 2020 gardening season. Due to the initial closures of community gardens the start of our season was very delayed. Sadly, some of our gardens were unable to open and others that were initially opened were forced to close. Our implementation of COVID-19 safety protocols also meant we were unable to accept large numbers of volunteers into our gardens. Though many were eager to join us in the gardens we simply could not accept the much-needed help. At a time when many individuals are experiencing food insecurity, all of these challenges have limited our ability to grow food.

It has been a tough year but with the support of our amazing volunteers and the wider Hamilton community we continue to persevere and do all we can to grow fresh, healthy food. In a time of great uncertainty, we recognize how important it is for fresh produce to be accessible to those in need. We are currently looking forward, planning ways to increase food production and continuing to plant many seeds in the hopes of providing our community with an abundance of fresh produce in the fall and early Winter.

As we are a small non-profit, we have decided to reach out to our community for support in our efforts to reduce food insecurity in Hamilton. If met, our fundraising goal of $6,000 would go a long way and be used in the following ways:

- To extend our season beyond October, allowing us to grow and harvest fresh produce throughout the fall and early Winter.

- To purchase the equipment and materials necessary for construction of season extension structures such as frost blankets, polyethylene plastic, PVC hoops, straw mulch and more.

We recognize these are tough times for many. Any amount of donation would be greatly appreciated. We would like to extend our sincerest thanks for your consideration to help us plant happiness and reduce hunger in Hamilton, Ontario.


 The Hamilton Victory Gardens Team