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The Centre for Holocaust Education and Scholarship

Registered Name: The Centre for Holocaust Education and Scholarship (CHES)

Business No: 771126331RR0001

The Centre for Holocaust Education and Scholarship


The Centre for Holocaust Education and Scholarship (CHES) develops educational programs and activities to promote knowledge and understanding of the history and legacy of the Holocaust. The Centre brings together educators, academics, survivors, students, community members, and offers year round programming and events whose objectives include combating prejudice and racism and promoting respect for diversity, social justice and human rights.

CHES develops educational resources for diverse audiences, organizes  and participates in teacher training seminars, and undertakes public education programs during the annual Holocaust Education Month held in the nation's capital every November. Among its educational activities CHES also coordinates a Speaker's Bureau of Holocaust survivors and descendants of survivors who visit schools and educational institutions. Last but not least, the Centre participates in national and international Holocaust Remembrance Day commemorations and organizes Holocaust related anti-racism projects in cooperation with other local, national or international institutions. 



897 Kenzie St

Ottawa, ON, K1Z 0A4

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