Charity Pickleball Event - Kitchen Party
by BGC OttawaThursday, 25 May 2023 from 3:30 PM (ADT) to 7:30 PM (ADT)RA Centre 2451 Riverside Drive, Ottawa, ON K1H 7X7Ticket Information
Ticket sales for this event are now closed.
Fundraiser by Planning Picklers
Proudly presented by Tannis 21 Foundation
An enthusiastic group of Ottawa professionals passionate about Pickleball have come together to volunteer their time to raise funds to support sports and healthy lifestyles for disadvantaged kids.
Planning Picklers: Heidi Conrod, Warren Creates, Claudio Colaiacovo, Gavin Lumsden, Bruce Raganold, Ron Smith, Karen Wood
BCG Ottawa's Walk this Way program (WTW) is a goal-oriented wellness program operated out of BGC Clubhouses that encourages youth and teens to become physically active. WTW provides opportunities to children and youth often left out of mainstream recreational activities.
Pickleball is the fastest-growing sport in North America, with more than 36.5 million people playing last year (2022). Early data suggests only 5 Million played in 2021. The sport is equally popular amongst women and men and participants of all ages and skill levels.
Thursday, May 25 at the RA Centre, picklers must donate $100 to play and will enjoy staying "out of the Kitchen" on the court and can celebrate their on-court "dinks" with drinks at a post-pickle-play party afterwards. This fun and friendly pickleball event is raising money to support sports and healthy lifestyles for Ottawa's disadvantaged kids.
Your $100 registration fee includes:
- 1 hour of recreational pickleball play
- Pro Tips and optional 30 min lesson
- Dill-icious nibbles courtesy of Gabriel Pizza & drinks (cash bar)
- Dill-ightful company
- Fun door prizes and awards
- Post-event tax receipt for the charitable portion
Arrive early (3:30 PM) for an optional 30-minute intro session by seasoned players.
BYOP (Bring Your Own Paddle)
All playing pairs will be randomly matched regardless of skill level.
Play is non-competitive
Performance picklers earn bragging rights only.
*Please note: NO REFUNDS.
- Marion Manzo
- Vaida Hick
- Cyrious Connections Corporation Inc.
- Lillian Serrouya
- Anonymous + 1 guest
- Perry Mody
- Rupal Mody
- Claudio Colaiacovo
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous