Arnprior & District NeighbourLink Fountain
Business No: 819198144RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
NeighbourLink Fountain is a Resource Hub and Drop-in centre, meeting physical, social, emotional and spiritual needs in our community.
We are a Resource Hub, Drop-in Centre and Thrift Store.
Our goal is to assist people in need, primarily through navigating social services. We do not duplicate existing services, but provide guidance, assistance and referrals, along with follow-up to increase success. Immediate unmet needs are often addressed through our emergency supplies (frozen meals, donated household goods and clothing).
Our drop-in centre provides snacks, nutritious lunches and social activities to alleviate isolation and improve mental health.
The thrift store is available to provide good quality used household and personal items at a nominal cost, or free in consultation with our Resource department.
We also match donors of larger items such as furniture with people in need.
Arnprior & District NeighbourLink Fountain is an outreach of Arnprior area churches together in service to our community.